Sunday, July 17, 2011

Feature in Asian Woman Summer 2011 Magazine!

I wanted to share this piece with whoever isn't located in the UK and was unable to purchase a copy of this summer's Asian Woman Mag.  I also wanted to send a big shout out to J Wimal, the editor, for giving me my writer's debut in her publication!  It was so much fun for me to be able to write this piece from my own thoughts and from my own point of view.  I feel blessed for the opportunity and I hope it will open me up to more fun opps like this one in the future. 
And if you're in the UK and haven't gotten your copy, please go support and grab your copy now!
Hope you enjoy the article :o)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Health Tip #5 in Breakfast Series

Waffles on the Go!
There are some days where I just need to pop something in the toaster and come back and have it ready to eat. Now I'm not talking a bagel here because bagels are actually one of the worst foods that you can eat at ANY time of day. Did you know that a bagel is the equivalent of about 6 slices of toast?!  Talk about loading yourself up with sugar when you start your day and then you wonder why you crash two hours later!

So if I'm in need of a carby start to my day then sometimes I go with a whole grain waffle.  It fills that need for something bread-like but with way less calories than a bagel.  I go for a whole wheat or a whole grain waffle.  There are a few different brands.  Of course there's the classic Eggo brand which is ok but if you can get your hands on them, Van's is an even healthier brand that you can purchase at most Whole Foods or Organic stores.
Then instead of putting butter and syrup on them, here's how to add even more health into your bite.  Spread 1 TSP of almond butter on top and then top with a no sugar added jam spread.  I love blueberry or raspberry spread as they're not as sweet as grape or strawberry.  But again, read your labels.  Look for no sugar added signs on the label because you don't want to start your day with high fructose corn syrup.
This is a perfect combo of carbs and protein and its super filling and most importantly, warm and satisfying.
Give it a try and enjoy!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Health Tip #4 in Breakfast Series

Healthy Pancakes
Ok so I totally love pancakes but they're definitely not the healthiest way to start your day.  I actually don't understand why we start our days with starchy, sugary foods that could actually be desserts!  But all that being said, I do love pancakes.  So I created my own version of them so I can still get my fix when I need it.
I make protein oat cakes!  They're still yummy but they're also good for you!  Heres my recipe:
2 egg whites
3 TBSP oatmeal flakes
1 pinch cinnamon
1 pinch nutmeg
1/2 Tsp vanilla 
1 splash milk

Heat a non-stick frying pan with either 1 TBSP olive oil or use a no fat spray like PAM for even less calories.  Make sure the frying pan is super hot before you poor the mix in.  While the pan is heating take a fork and whip everything together.  When the pan is hot, go ahead and poor the mixture into the pan.  Then cook it just like you would a pancake.  Let it bubble and let the liquid cook through a bit before you flip it over to let the other side brown a little.  Once its cooked, move to a plate.  If you like you can put another sprinkle of cinnamon on but that's optional.  Then you can put 1 TBSP of maple syrup on your pancake.  I try to use real maple syrup rather than the kind that's filled with artificial sweeteners and coloring etc.   I even like to heat it up in the pan and then poor it over the pancack to keep your pancake hot. You don't have to feel so guilty about this pancake because you're getting protein and whole grains all in one go.   Make sure you eat it while its hot and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Health Tip #3 in Breakfast Series

Hope you've enjoyed the tips so far, here's another one.
The Incredible Edible Egg!
Well that is the incredible, edible, egg omelette loaded with veggies!
This is another great way to start your day.  I know how hard it can be for people to get their daily serving of vegetables in everyday and this is such an easy way to get them in.  It's even an easy way to sneak them in for people who are not really fans of veggies.  
I usually do two whole eggs and 1 egg white.  You need some of that good fat in the yolk so I don't usually like to do egg whites only.  I personally like to saute my veggies first so they're a little more tasty.  1tbsp olive oil, 1 clove of garlic and some chopped onions will really boost the flavor without fat or calories.  Some black pepper and herbs sprinkled on those and then you add in your chopped veggies.  You can do anything from peppers to broccoli to spinach!  I always try to get as many greens in as possible as they're nice and fibrous and a great way to get your digestive system moving in the morning.  I don't recommend cheese unless your at home and can get yourself some low fat feta, goat or even cheddar.  When you eat out, it's usually guaranteed that they will use full fat cheese and they will put way too much on completely negating the fact that you're trying to have something healthy.  So I only recommend cheese if you're in control of it.  Then after cooking the omelette, I like to serve it with some salsa or even marinara sauce works.  Its a nice tasty accompaniment to the eggs and again without any negative health affects.  And tomatoes are great for you as well because of the lycopene so definitely good to add on top.  I really don't believe that healthy food can't be tasty, it's just about using the right seasonings and accompaniments to make it enjoyable.
I love knowing that the first thing I put in my body has been tasty AND healthy and it really helps to get two servings of veggies in before you've even left the house.  You can even precut the vegetables the night before to make it quick and easy for you in the morning.  
There's always a way to be healthy, you just have to make the choice every time you take a bite.  
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Health Tip #2 in Breakfast Series

This morning I was up at 6am and had to be out the door early so on days like that I like to eat something that will be quick and easy; that's when I reach for the cereal. Straight out the box with some almond milk on top and you're good to go!
Now the next question is what kind of cereal is actually good for you. The cereal isle can so be so confusing and overwhelming and mostly filled with options that are actually unhealthy! I have one brand that I go to for guaranteed goodness and that's Kashi. I can count on them to use whole grain ingredients that are good for me. The new line on many cereal boxes is "made with whole grain." You'll see that on tons of boxes these days. Do not be fooled! There's only one way to know if something is truly made with whole grains and that's by looking at the fiber content on the nutritional value box. If fiber is 2g or less then this cereal is not for you. Put it back! A cereal that is truly made with real whole grains should be loaded with fiber, anywhere from 5 to 8 grams! That's a big difference and your tummy will know. Fiber is so important for your digestive health. Its like a broom that goes through and sweeps out your intestines getting rid of all the junk that can get stuck without the proper aid. Fiber is also going to help keep you full until your next snack or meal which will help you to make healthy choices because you won't be starving.  
So I had my Kashi Go Lean Crunch today. Tons of fiber and even the protein of 3 eggs! Can't go wrong with that. Here's to another great day!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Health Tip #1

Often via different mediums, you guys have asked me to share different tips for everything from weight loss to healthy tips for skin or how to achieve the ever struggled for set of abs! So I thought I'd add this into my blog and share different tips with you guys that I've learned through the years.  My advice comes mostly from a place of personal experience but also a place of education as I'm certified as both a Holistic Nutritionist and a Bikram Yoga teacher.  But most of all, I just want to share tips with you that I've tried and succeeded or NOT succeeded with!   Ok, so here goes with the first one!

I'm always amazed at how many people I meet who say that they don't eat breakfast!  It really is such an important meal for your day.  This is the meal that gets your metabolism going daily, which is going to help you to burn calories and make sure you keep your metabolism healthy so you can maintain a healthy weight for your future.  
Everyday this Monday through Friday, I will post a different breakfast meal option so there will certainly be something for everyone, even if you're not a big breakfast person.  The first is actually my favorite: FRESH BERRIES
I start my day with this everyday.   A bowl of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.  I also pour a little bit of almond milk into the bowl instead of using whip cream as a garnish.  This is an amazing way to start your day because berries are loaded with antioxidants which help combat free radicals which can  cause cancer and wrinkles!  Need I say more? I think not!  
The other great thing about berries is that they're light so if you don't want something too heavy, this is a great option.  The berries are also packed with fiber which is going to help you get a nice flat tummy and help keep your body nice and regular ;o)

Enjoy and get Berry Beautiful! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Journey to a New Land

We arrived in Lala Land yesterday and 1st thing on the agenda was to head over to Jeremy and Robert's new digs and then do dinner.  What many may not know, is that I've known Jeremy and Robert for over 10 years now!  They were once my producers, now my co-workers, and most importantly are now family.  So when Jeremy first said that he was going to move, I actually didn't take him seriously; not even for a minute.  Then he told me he'd found a studio and an apartment, and to be honest, I still didn't really believe him!  And then Robert said that he was going to look at places too.  Now the confusion really set in.   Could this really be happening?  We're all NY based.  You can't separate the team! How will this work?  
But we arrived yesterday, a week after our boys had moved their entire lives across the country and I have to say, I"m proud.
Picking up and leaving your family and friends is not an easy thing to do and I give much respect to them for their vision and their courage.  Often, to achieve greatness, there must be great sacrifice. 

So let's wish them good luck on their new journey and their new lives here in LA.  May it be filled with opportunity, joy and a little more sunshine :o)
Love you guys!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Emotionally Drained but Must Charge On

"If it was easy, then everyone would do it!"
No one ever said it was easy to achieve your dreams but sometimes it can be so exhausting! haha You can admit or not, but it's not always easy and I don't mind admitting that. That's just real talk. I can't help anyone by pretending like it's always roses and sunshine.
There are days when I feel so frustrated by so many different things. There are days when I feel exhausted and I wonder if it's actually worth it. There are days when I get so mad because someone tells me to do exactly what I had suggested 6 months ago! And I feel like knocking them on their head and saying "I told you so!"
But I don't stress those days anymore. Because the reality is that if you believe in what you're doing, then that's all you need. You need that faith and belief in yourself.
One of my co-workers recently asked me how come I always seem so at ease and that's exactly what I said. I just know. I just believe. And nothing and no one can sway me from that, end of story. So no matter how hard, no matter how many hills I feel like I'm climbing, no matter how many brick walls I bang my head against; I don't sweat it, because I just know.
We will get there. With hardwork and determination, we will get there.
So no matter what you're dream is, don't give up on it if you truly believe that you have something to offer. Sometimes it doesn't happen when you think it should or the way that you planned it, but when it is meant to happen, it will.
So keep your faith and charge on. And on a day where you may feel a little tired, take a breather and come back fresh tomorrow.
But never, ever give up!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Being a Woman in a Man's World...

I've been having a great week out here in LA.  The week before we were super busy getting ready for the show at Madison Square Garden which went great! But these two weeks have been interesting for me because it really reminded me that no matter how successful I am as a woman, men will always view me a certain way.  With all that I do and all that I contribute, at the end of the day, they often think that it's ok to speak to me a certain way because I'm a woman.  You realize that they would've never said that to the man who was standing next to me.  The other day, I bumped into an artist in the lobby of a hotel.  He was so busy checking me out that he was astonished when I came up and introduced myself as a manager in the industry.  And at that point he immediately became uninterested! He was only interested in talking to me if I was just some random hot chick who was going to blow his ego up more than it already was!  I go so out of my way to be professional and respectful to everyone that I meet but I realize that to some men when they see me, they just can't get past the fact that I'm a woman and take me seriously.  And on the other hand, when they're not checking me out, they're just assuming that I"m someone's girlfriend and don't actually do anything!  Maybe it's a music biz thing, but it's a definite thing!
Then as a woman, when you get a little tough with people, you are suddenly labeled a bi#c*h! Where as a man who does the same thing is labeled, powerful! 
I find it amazing that this still exists today in this day and age.  But it actually works in my favor because it pushes me to want more.  It pushes me to show them through all that I plan on achieving.  Their lack of belief turns into my motivation. 
So I will NOT let it stop me.  I will keep doing what I do and eventually, it will become easier.  Just as the wonderful woman who came before us made strides for us, we will make strides for the next generation.  We can; we will; we must!
Girl Power!!! hahahah

Monday, January 3, 2011

A new year, a new day and many new opportunities...

"Every new year people make resolutions to change aspects of themselves they believe are negative. A majority of people revert back to how they were before and feel like failures. This year I challenge you to a new resolution. I challenge you to just be yourself." 
Aisha Elderwyn

Everyday, every week, every month, every year; we make promises to ourselves.  Promises to lose weight, promises to be a better person and promises to just change somehow...  It is a wonderful thing to want to push yourself for more and to want to push yourself to be better.  It's always good to want to exceed your current limitations.  But as I watch people make these promises, I often watch them break them and then I often watch them beat themselves up for it!  That doesn't serve much purpose!  It's really just a silly vicious cycle.
So as we all start this new year, I have one plea for all of you.  Set reasonable expectations for yourselves!  That way you will have an easier opportunity to actually attain your goal.  And then when you've reached that goal, you can go ahead and set a new goal and so on.  Don't expect to go from eating sweets everyday to never eating sweets! Or to go from working out one day a week to five days a week!  Or to go from never studying to studying all the time!  Don't burn yourself out in January.  The people who work at the gym always talk about how in the first month of January, they get so many new people signed up and then by March they've all disappeared again.  Take your time.  Whatever your goal is, ease yourself into it so you actually have the opportunity to make your wish into a reality!  And if you do fall off, then try, try again!  Don't give up on yourself or on your goals.  That's the great thing about being human beings.  We're allowed to make mistakes and we're allowed to give it a second chance!  
So go into this new year with the hope of something new but also remember to just love yourself for who you are and for who you will always try to be!