Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Unthinkable...

I did "the unthinkable" on my vacation this week. It was something who most I work with actually thought I couldn't do. Get ready, its big...

I removed my work email from my blackberry!!! Yes you heard me right. The woman who gets anywhere from fifty to two hundred emails a day, actually decided that I was going to claim my vacation. I have a partner in my business as well as a full time assistant so why shouldn't I be able to do this? You'd be surprised at the bawks I received as I told people I was going to do this. They actually didn't believe me. I explained that there were three people who if in an emergency, would know how to instantly reach me so there really shouldn't be an issue.

As a culture, we have become so addicted to our phones. Addicted to checking our emails and our texts and the senders on the other end have become addicted to our instant responses! Remember when we used to mail a letter, wait for it to get there and then wait for them to mail one back?! Those days no longer exist. We expect instant or at least a 24 hour turn around on emails today. And god forbid someone bbm's you and you read it! Because they know, immediately, and then they know if you haven't replied yet! I find that to be extremely awkward. That pressure that once I've read it, they know, and I'm basically forced to reply no matter where I am and what I'm doing! Maybe I'm in a meeting or maybe I accidentally read it before jumping in the shower?! I don't know, there could be a million reasons that I don't reply but now that that little "r" has popped up on their end, they think I'm ignoring them! Its just too much sometimes.

So here's the truth. I did check my emails while on vacation this week. But probably just once, max twice a day and only when it was convenient for me; as opposed to that little red light blinking at me, saying "Read me now!  Read me now!"  There was no stress for me as I checked them on my terms and at my preferred time. It was so nice to not feel like I was a slave to my blackberry and its need for immediacy. And the truth is, everything was just fine. I think we all need to shut down once in a while. Even if its just one or two days a week. I always try to do that on Sundays. But also the idea that we don't have to respond so instantly all the time. Log in three times a day and get back to people rather than this constant connection to our blackberry and iphone that we all have. So often these days, I sit in a room of friends and co workers and we are all feverishly typing on our keypads, never taking a moment to come up for air and actually speak to each other!
So this week I went back to basics and it works just fine! Try to disconnect with your devices and re-connect with your friends and loved ones around you.
Happy back to work and back to school day!  I"m excited for the new season and new beginnings!