Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Being a Woman in a Man's World...

I've been having a great week out here in LA.  The week before we were super busy getting ready for the show at Madison Square Garden which went great! But these two weeks have been interesting for me because it really reminded me that no matter how successful I am as a woman, men will always view me a certain way.  With all that I do and all that I contribute, at the end of the day, they often think that it's ok to speak to me a certain way because I'm a woman.  You realize that they would've never said that to the man who was standing next to me.  The other day, I bumped into an artist in the lobby of a hotel.  He was so busy checking me out that he was astonished when I came up and introduced myself as a manager in the industry.  And at that point he immediately became uninterested! He was only interested in talking to me if I was just some random hot chick who was going to blow his ego up more than it already was!  I go so out of my way to be professional and respectful to everyone that I meet but I realize that to some men when they see me, they just can't get past the fact that I'm a woman and take me seriously.  And on the other hand, when they're not checking me out, they're just assuming that I"m someone's girlfriend and don't actually do anything!  Maybe it's a music biz thing, but it's a definite thing!
Then as a woman, when you get a little tough with people, you are suddenly labeled a bi#c*h! Where as a man who does the same thing is labeled, powerful! 
I find it amazing that this still exists today in this day and age.  But it actually works in my favor because it pushes me to want more.  It pushes me to show them through all that I plan on achieving.  Their lack of belief turns into my motivation. 
So I will NOT let it stop me.  I will keep doing what I do and eventually, it will become easier.  Just as the wonderful woman who came before us made strides for us, we will make strides for the next generation.  We can; we will; we must!
Girl Power!!! hahahah


  1. Thara! Thankyou so much for posting this! I notice this kind of thing all the time and hate it. But the important thing, like you said, is to be positive and let their doubt motivate you to prove them wrong. Thanks for posting this - you're a great role model!!!!! (: ♥

  2. Thara is really nice what you wrote and above all it's the truth .... unfortunately in this world there are still these stupid prejudices. According to the men we women serve only to be girlfriends, wives, mothers and nothing else ... Did you see the big event for women than they did in Italy and in all other capitals of the world? In Italy prejudices are even greater .... In some countries of Sicily women have not even the right to choose her own husband or doing certain jobs. But like you said we women have to be strong and continue on our path to defeat everything ..... a kiss darling thanks for what you wrote:)

  3. Hi thara,

    Thank you so much for taking out ya previous time to write this, it's definitely something to think about. Women are viewed very differently these days. There are all kind of guys! Some who respect you for your work and some who are out there just for pleasure. I do hope every lady out there can be as strong as you are. I've taken you as my motivator with your unconditional feedbacks and love. I am so proud of you. This is definitely something I will keep in mind and will share it with my ladies who needs such motivation. Thank you once again and yeh, go ahead and do what you think is right! We all support you

    Definitely ya ardent fan

    Gurpreet Sidhu

  4. WoW @TharaNatalie :) wonderful blog :) You know what I love about you.. (ok u really beautiful, sweet kind hearted ect ect..) But you inspire other women out there with ur fame :) I truly admire u :)
    heres to ...
    GIRL POWER !!!!!

  5. amazing blog!!!! your will make it big girl!! no worries!!! haha keep doin what you're doing cuz you're doing great!!! :) Completely admire you! I'm a 13 year old and you are one of my idols!!!!

  6. your blog is so true never give u through all u accomplished your an amazing should write a book I would buy it plus it would be great for every womem around the world going through the same things u are.never give up all of us women are here for u like u said girl power.

  7. WHO!!! the hell was that guy??? it makes me K.O. him down!!!!! he ignored u because u r t0o HOT, INTELLIGENT, ORIGINAL, DOPE, and WOW!! 4 him!!
    i love u super octopus woman!!! GIRL POWER!!! ;) (NEXT TIME USE UR PHYSIQ 57 MOVEMENTS TO KO HIM OUT!!!) :D

    from: @HitTheChiken_JS

  8. Thank you for inspiring us to overcome this disrespect and be strong! You are a great role model and if you wrote a book, I would definitely buy it too:) Your positive tweets and healthy living habits aspire me to be the same way! I know you're busy and travel a lot, but I would love if you could do a blog of what you typically eat in a day:) Thank you so much Thara!

  9. Hi Thara
    thanks for inspiring us (girls)!!

    hope to read more from u here!!

    from: @Bird078

  10. Thara this is honestly just the most truthful thing & it's like you read my mind. Hold your head up high, and keeping doing what you do because you're great at it and you're the perfect role model for aspiring young ladies like me.

  11. This is nonsense. The artist probably "astonished and uninterested" because he found out who you were 'thara' and married to Jay Sean and doesn't want to be part of the 'secret' and thereby helping jay maintain his image of being a single artist so more of gist fanbase stay loyal and keep buying his records.

    One day the truth will come out. It always does and I wonder what his loyal fans will feel being lied to by you 2.

  12. you are not a manager in the industry, you are a washed up "artist" who married jay sean and now lie about her dont deserve any respect, ur a liar.

  13. @TharaNatalie I just finished to read your blog ! You are so positive and objective ! For a lot of things i feel exactly what you say ! i'll not discuss more about that now because i can speak so much ... and especially because it's hard for me to do this in english (i'm french native), but i just want to say you good luck and follow your dreams until the end ! "But never, ever give up!" and yes "Girl power" lol ♥

