"Every new year people make resolutions to change aspects of themselves they believe are negative. A majority of people revert back to how they were before and feel like failures. This year I challenge you to a new resolution. I challenge you to just be yourself."
- Aisha Elderwyn
Everyday, every week, every month, every year; we make promises to ourselves. Promises to lose weight, promises to be a better person and promises to just change somehow... It is a wonderful thing to want to push yourself for more and to want to push yourself to be better. It's always good to want to exceed your current limitations. But as I watch people make these promises, I often watch them break them and then I often watch them beat themselves up for it! That doesn't serve much purpose! It's really just a silly vicious cycle.
So as we all start this new year, I have one plea for all of you. Set reasonable expectations for yourselves! That way you will have an easier opportunity to actually attain your goal. And then when you've reached that goal, you can go ahead and set a new goal and so on. Don't expect to go from eating sweets everyday to never eating sweets! Or to go from working out one day a week to five days a week! Or to go from never studying to studying all the time! Don't burn yourself out in January. The people who work at the gym always talk about how in the first month of January, they get so many new people signed up and then by March they've all disappeared again. Take your time. Whatever your goal is, ease yourself into it so you actually have the opportunity to make your wish into a reality! And if you do fall off, then try, try again! Don't give up on yourself or on your goals. That's the great thing about being human beings. We're allowed to make mistakes and we're allowed to give it a second chance!
So go into this new year with the hope of something new but also remember to just love yourself for who you are and for who you will always try to be!