Wow. I've had a really crazy month. I dealt with sudden illness and then death. And now I'm dealing with the sudden illness of a best friend as well as another person in my immediate family. It's so scary what we deal with as human beings. We get up everyday, go to school or work, hopefully have dinner with family and friends and then go to sleep, in preparation of doing it all over again the next day. We just get into this pattern and we assume that it will never change. We see bad things happen in someone else's life and yet we somehow assume that it will never happen to us as if we're invincible of some sort. But this month has truly reminded me of just how precious our lives are; how Important it is to cherish moments and cherish eachother. You're entire life can be changed in a split second and unfortunately, nothing is guaranteed.
So with all that being said; I vow to cherish the moments, to make time for more dinners, to tell the people around me just how much I love and appreciate them and I will call home more often instead of saying that there will be time later because the truth is, you never know what tomorrow will bring.
This isn't meant to be depressing by any means though, it's meant to be inspiring. Because we can control our present moments and we can make sure that we always do what's best, right here and right now! Remember "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.". -- Joan Rivers
Enjoy this gift of life that we've all been given. Don't take it for granted.